
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Well-wishers,

It is with immense pride that I share with you the remarkable journey of Lubiri Secondary School. As the school leader, I am privileged to witness the growth, achievements, and character development of our students. 

At Lubiri Secondary School, we prioritize instilling good morals and discipline in our students. We believe that a strong foundation in these values is essential for their future success. Our dedicated team of educators and staff work tirelessly to create a nurturing and conducive environment that fosters these qualities in our students.

Our students are not only academically accomplished but also demonstrate exceptional behavior, respect for one another, and a strong sense of responsibility. They consistently uphold our school's values, which form the cornerstone of our institution.

As we move forward, I invite you to join us in celebrating the achievements of our students, their commitment to excellence, and the positive influence they bring to our school community. Together, we can continue to shape the future leaders of tomorrow with strong moral principles and unwavering discipline.

Thank you for entrusting your children to Lubiri Secondary School, where we strive for excellence in both academics and character development.

Warm regards,

Sseremba Godfrey,